East End Press Bat Paper Garland Decoration
This garland is an ode to the love for each other and nature… The hearts are made of 100% beach trash. Every piece of plastic has been picked up from the beach by Juttersgeluk.
Did you know that the Dutch use an average of 1,500 plastic food packaging per year? That equates to 4 pieces per day. Much of this ends up in nature as litter. Plastic does not decay. It breaks down into very small pieces. Animals suffer from it and it also enters our food chain.
Are you also going to use less disposable plastic? Every piece counts! With the purchase of this garland (approx. 120 cm) you keep a piece of beach clean and a sheltered workshop.
A gift for someone with their heart in the right place.
If it's right, then it's right.
Length: 125mm
Length: 168cm