Yvonne Ellen

Chin Chin Small Mug


Product Details

The Yvonne Ellen Chin Chin Mug shows a cute and colourful parakeet. It’s the perfect size, when you want a caffeine burst or have a craving for hot chocolate. Add a touch of fun to your home, or work desk to brighten up your day. The mug with Chin Chin wording is one of two designs in these small but mighty mugs. The parakeet mug has a soft peach glaze and gold trim with a delightfully fashioned ridge handle. This is part of the new range from Yvonne Ellen, her chinaware draws inspiration from nature. Exotic animals and beautiful pastel colours create harmonious designs that will make a charming and quirky addition to your home. Whether for everyday use or for special occasions, Yvonne Ellen tableware will bring uniqueness to your home. Size: H8 x 7cm diam Capacity: 350ml Material: Bone China Care: Please hand wash with love as this is not suitable for the microwave or dishwasher. Brand: Yvonne Ellen is a truly unique range of home and giftware born out of Yvonne’s strong passion for beautiful vintage bone china, alongside a love of quirky, decorative illustration. The gorgeous ranges are created by the award-winning designer and are the perfect addition to add charm and intrigue to your life and home.