Wild Belle

Daydream Dried Flower Wrap


Product Details

Why We Love It A beautiful selection of sustainable dried flowers - a lovely addition to your home this season, or a beautiful gift. Images not quite what you're looking for? Message us about a custom order .. What you need to know The flower wrap you receive may look different to the photo but will be made in the same colours and textures. It will be tied with ribbon and wrapped in paper - ready to gift. Some tips for caring for your flowers Do not place the flowers in water or keep them in a very humid environment. If it does get hot, the stems may leak small amounts of dye. Use tissue to gently dry the stems and move them to a warm and dry location. Interior use only - position them away from radiators or fireplaces to avoid drying out the stems. Best kept out of direct sunlight. It is normal for pieces of the flowers, especially grasses to shed slightly over time. To lightly dust your flowers, try using a hairdryer. Always position it a metre distance from the flowers and use a cool setting.