Weaver Green

Gooseberry Hammam Towel


Product Details

These gorgeous mustard yellow hammam towels are perfect for using all around the home, outdoors and even on holiday. Soft and lightweight like cotton, they're versatile, practical and have amazing eco-friendly credentials. Size: 200cm x 100cm Each Gooseberry Hammam is made from up to 300 recycled plastic bottles and while they look and feel like a beautiful soft cotton, they're actually made from 100% recycled plastic bottles. Stain-resistant Water-resistant Hard-wearing Machine washable Moth resistant UV stable Perfect for sofas and dressing beds, these mustard throws are also wonderful for sunbathing on or using as a machine-washable picnic blanket. Soft and stain-resistant, our Gooseberry Hammam towels are quick-drying, mould resistant and incredibly easy to clean making them a brilliant choice for allergy sufferers, red wine lovers and beachgoers.