Van Buren Bolsward

Alpaca Wool Plaid


Product Details

Alpaca wool is one of the best wool types. The fiber structure is super fine and soft, it can be compared to cashmere wool and is available in different colors. The large (200 x 150 cm) Alpaca plaids are made of 55% alpaca wool / 30% wool / 15% synthetic. Van Buren Bolsward is the only sheepskin tannery in the Netherlands. From raw sheepskins they make fur and leather products that enrich people's lives with warmth, natural beauty and softness. And they have been doing that since 1861! “From raw commodity to soft end product is a process of more than ten steps and takes several weeks. The end result is a product that you will enjoy for an entire lifetime.” Van Buren sheepskins come from the meat industry; no animal is slaughtered for its skin! Sheep furs are a natural product, therefore they don’t have a default size or colour.