
White Sweat Top Archive


Product Details

This athletic sweatshirt has been updated with a new fabric finish that gives it a plush feel, heightening the luxuriousness of this style. Part of the Sunspel matching track set, the refined new sweatshirt bears all the hallmarks of a classic style including the iconic V-stitch insert, rib cuffs and neat fit. ‘Loopback’ is the technical term given to the fabric traditionally used to make sweatshirts. It’s a literal description of the construction of the fabric that features loops on its reverse and is also a reference to the original machine that was used to knit the fabric: the loopwheel. Having originally been developed for sports garments, the loops on the back of the fabric were designed to absorb sweat from your body, passing it into the garment to keep you cool. Conversely, the Sunspel loopback fabric is designed to trap warm air inside, providing an insulating layer for day-to-day wear.