Studio About

Frameless Frame Round A4 Umbra


Product Details

Series of transparent acrylic photo frames. The back of the frame is colored so that it forms a beautiful and discreet mat around your artwork. The photo frames are available in A3, A4 and A5 format and in round variants. The FRAMELESS collection from Studio About is a series of transparent acrylic photo frames. The acrylic frame consists of a transparent front and a colored transparent back. 2 chicago screws hold the frame together and make it easy to change the design. The FRAMESLESS series was designed by architect Mikkel Lang Mikkelsen, half of the creative duo behind Studio About. The front of the acrylic frame is also provided with UV protection and thus protects your work against discolouration by sunlight. DIMENSIONS FRAME: Ø 444 mm MOTIF SIZE: A4 size. COVER: transparent 3 mm acrylic (with anti UV) BACK SIDE: umbra 3 mm acrylic MOUNTING: 2 gold Chicago screws (the screws are hollow with space to hang)