Stine Goya

Kirsten Paisley Dress


Product Details

Kirsten Dress in yellow Paisley print. This elegant dress is cut from a delicate and slightly strechy viscose blend at mid-calf length. It features a fitted waist and a flared skirt creating a feminine silhouette. Designed with flared sleeves ending just above the elbow and an invisible zipper at the back. The Paisley print reflects Mongiardino’s masterful compositions and appears as a fresh interpretation of the classic paisley print by combining it with florals and dots. It is based on a sunshine yellow colour combined with burgundy, raspberry pink, cyan blue and white elements. Three styles made from soft viscose feature this print. With the Spring Summer 2019 collection A PALAZZO Stine Goya pays homage to Renzo Mongiardino, an Italian architect and design illusionist. This season introduces silhouettes draping around the body and prints inspired by floral brocades, upholstery prints and interior sketches. All styles and prints stand individually but come together like rooms of a Mongiardino house.