
Tree Abstract Art Print Skinny Silk Scarf


Product Details

Tree skinny silk scarf is printed on a luxe silk satin, size 10cm x 240cm, double faced and with elegant tapered ends. Can be used in your hair, around your neck or as a belt. We hand wrap our art scarves in slim white gift boxes finished with smart double ribbons, so it arrives looking special. Our art scarves are ethically produced and created using environmentally considerate dyes and natural materials. 100% silk “TREE” COLOUR STORY The rings of a cut tree are wondrous. Each one is unique and tells it’s own story. The beauty of the curved lines with their fine textures and uneven edges is hard to capture as a drawing. But, etching plates with their carved graphic lines and inky burrs work really well. There are two tree etchings that have been used on our luxury silk scarves and cashmere scarves.