Ricicle Cards

Perpetual Calendar Birthday Planner


Product Details

Staying on top of birthdays, anniversaries or other key dates in your yearly diary is hard! We're to here to help, with this beautiful perpetual calendar. It helps you keep track of birthdays, anniversaries and other special dates. Each of the 12-month pages contains the numbers, but no days. Write in everyone's birthdays, anniversaries or other dates you need reminding of each year - because it doesn't go out of date, you can re-use it every year too! A collaboration with Paper Raven Co once again - it's designed in the USA by Erin and printed here in England. It perfectly complements our range of greeting cards.What we love about this calendar is that it goes hand in hand with greeting card sending!The details...- Printed in the UK- Shrink-wrapped- 254 x 127mm in size- White wire bind with hanging clip