Paper Dreams

Snowflake Garland in White - 3m


Product Details

These Snowflake garlands are a must-have for any Christmas setting. The cotton string makes the garland easily attachable to doorways, mantle pieces and windows. When finished with use, fold up and store flat for next time. Made from 100% sustainably sourced paper. We use plastic-free packaging. Items are intended to be reused - store items flat, dry and out of sunlight to prolong their life. Both products and packaging can be recycled after their final use. Please note: Decorations are not toys and are intended for decoration use only. Colours may run or stain if items become damp or moist and may fade in direct sunlight. Keep away from naked flames or other heat sources. Colours may vary from images shown and will also vary depending on the screens colour calibration. We try wherever possible to show a true and accurate representation of our products.