
Green A5 Medium Layflat Notebook with Ruled pages


Product Details

Medium layflat A5 ruled paged notebook from the Ola Studio Everyday Objects collection, featuring a graphic semi circle detail at the spine. These soft cover notebooks are crafted with a sewn layflat binding, allowing you to work across two pages simultaneously and the book to rest open at a chosen page. The minimal styling is intended to enhance and never distract, keeping your mind focused on all of those ideas in the making. You’ll find small visual details at points of the book which are most used, such as the graphic motif where you’d pull the spine from a shelf. The soft cover notebooks are crafted with Ola's signature layflat binding, allowing you to work across two pages simultaneously and the book to rest open at a chosen page. Each features a traditionally printed cover that's flexible, so will fit comfortably into any pocket or bag. With 128 soft white pages that are sewn at the spine for durability. Size: 148 x 210 mm (A5) 128 plain pages Material: 300gsm embossed paper cover Made with FSC certified paper stock Made in the UK Care: Printed with vegetable based inks