
Canvas Bag


Product Details

Canvas Bag This canvas bag is made for the gardening brand Niwaki but has a life and remit beyond that. Having said that there are a few features of this bag that make it an excellent companion in the garden. It can be worn in two ways: over the shoulder or around the neck with the red strap. or alternatively, attached to a belt and won on the waist. The strap can be detached if this is your favoured way of carrying the bag. There are three sections to the bag: one external pocket and one additional pocket inside the main body of the bag. These two 'extra' pockets both have a reinforced section at the bottom of the pocket so that you can place secateurs, snips or topiary clippers in them without the risk of the blade piercing the fabric. The main section of the bag fastens with a metal stud popper. Aside from gardening tools we think it would also make a great bag for travelling with; being big enough to hold all the travelling essentials, passport, tickets money. Made from heavy duty 16oz canvas. Measurements: 19cm x 17cm x 14cm