Mikel Casal

Wood Decoration Egurrak 37 Trip


Product Details

Geometry, color and vital optimism define the style of this Basque illustrator thar works for editorials and publications all around the world. EGURRAK (wood in Basque language) is one of his most personal works. He uses digital printing on birch wood to portray the iconography that is closest to him: surfing, skateboarding, music, his friends and influences. Each piece of wood is carefully picked for its tone and streaks. No streak will ever be the same, therefore every printing of the color, made with the highest quality and care, will be unique. This makes EGURRAK a one of a kind and inimitable piece of art. Every piece is signed and dated on the back to certify its authenticity. DETAILS Size: 35 x 16 x 1 cm Material: Birch wood You can use reusable adhesive putty to put your Egurrak safely on your wall.