Lubech Living

Recycled Hand Painted Planter


Product Details

This recycled hand painted planter from Lubech Living is made from 100% recycled paper and natural latex which makes it 100% waterproof.  Made as part of a fair trade women’s project in Sri Lanka using sustainable materials and production, this is part of the OOhh Collection designed in Denmark by Susanne Lubech.  Use the pot to display flowers, a favourite plant, herbs or even for use in the office for stationery storage.  Lightweight but strong this is the perfect environmentally friendly piece for plant display or storage in your home.  The granite effect on the surface means that this piece will blend in with any room setting. Founded in 2006, Lubech Living specialise in producing stylish homeware using sustainable methods. They work with recycled materials to produce contemporary designs from recycled, sustainable and environmentally friendly materials with a strong focus on craftsmanship. All of their homeware is also produced in a socially responsible manner and they work directly with the artisans and workers cooperatives with each range telling a unique story.