Lillian Daph

Black Cork And Pottery Gift Set 2 Mugs


Product Details

LIGA homewares are always inspired by nature and made only with recycled, organic & sustainable materials. 1% of all sales is donated to approved environmental charities dedicated to making a difference to the planet. The 2 Coffee/Tea Mugs are beautifully packaged in a recycled card gift box with sleeve, making them the perfect gift. The mugs not only feel good to drink out of, but good to hold - keeping warm drinks warmer for longer. A contemporary collection designed and made in Portugal. Cork and Ceramics both have a strong tradition in Portuguese History. Sizes: Mugs 95 x 78 mm The Cork and Ceramic parts sit well together and easily come apart for practicality and ease of cleaning. Ceramic - Dishwasher Friendly & Cork - hand wash.