Lesca Lunetier

White Corbs Sunglasses


Product Details

Corbs sunglasses, sunglasses, frames, frame and blue branches, inside the transparent frame, round shape, inscription on the branches "La Corb's Mod, col.20108" and "Fait Main", brand signature inside the right branch, 46mm lens size, details at the tip of the circle and at the beginning of the branches. The Lesca brand is above all a family brand. Indeed, Joël Lesca launched his first collection in 1964 and the brand is now taken by his sons touched by the contagious passion of their father. Today and forever, Lesca favors an assertive style with thick glasses to highlight the materials they use. We appreciate the pair of Corbs sunglasses offered by the brand Lesca Lunetier for its round shape and its relaxed aesthetic. This pair will be the perfect accessory to face the summer with style and confidence. Made in France. Color: White.