Konges Slojd

Birthday Train - Ballerina


Product Details

This uniquely handcrafted birthday train will dress every birthday table with stylish finesse, and is usable for every age. Choose between: - Pierrot walking with a lemon, a goose, a circus tent, a lion and a monkey - Ballerina walking with mushrooms, a unicorn, pears and a peacock You will also find candleholders and numbers in the box Suitable from +3 years old WARNINGS: Not suitable for kids under 3 years old. Remove all packaging before use. Please burn within sight and keep away from kids, pets, flammable materials and blow out 1 cm above the top of the candleholder and be careful of hot wax after candle is extinguished. The birthday train is NOT a toy and can be used for decoration ONLY. Please make sure not to leave birthday train unattended.