Kings of Indigo

Mid Vintage Marble Organic Cotton Kimberly Jeans


Product Details

Jeans Kimberly from Kings Of Indigo Mid Vintage Marble. Kimberly High Rise Slim Mid Vintage Marble from Kings Of Indigo KOI. High rise. Smart. Mid Vintage Marble. Kings Of Indigo is a Dutch brand with an eye for denim and the environment. Kings of Indigo makes sustainable items that are also fashionable. As a company, Kings Of Indigo is very transparent about their production process and as a consumer you know where everything is manufactured. Kings Of Indigo not only makes pants, but also fine sweaters, beautiful dresses and soft blouses. You are at the right place for good jeans and wearable clothing at Kings Of Indigo! You can buy the most beautiful clothing from Kings of Indigo online in the webshop of Schwung Amsterdam.