Jurianne Matter

Paper Flowers


Product Details

Sometimes, when searching for new stock, we strike gold. The Jurianne Matter paper flowers are a perfect example of this. The love that designer Jurianne has for nature, her intuition for colours and her perfectionist creativity come together beautifully in her KORE paper flowers. The easiest DIY-bouquet ever! You'll find everything you need to make a bouquet or wreath provided in the box. You don't need to cut or stick anything: everything is pre-cut, pre-folded and the flower stems (the thread) is also already provided. Cut the thread to your preferred length, feed it through the pre-cut slots in the paper and bring your bouquet to life. The flowers also work as eye-catching room decor on their own. Contents: 4 x A4 pieces of paper (10 flowers) & 4m of thread for the stems.