
#L The Big One Sunglasses in Blue Tortoise


Product Details

Rectangular, over-sized sunglasses, in the shape #L in blue tortoise with grey lenses. The sunglasses offer 100% UV protection (category 3). The flex hinges and rubber texture also add to the quality, style, comfort, and lightness that Izipizi Sun aim to bring in a pair of sunglasses. Unisex, and universal model, with grey lenses and comes with a lovely felt storage pouch. Sunglasses are made from 100% polycarbonate. Glossy frame on the outside and soft touch on the inside for comfort, with slightly mirrored lenses. PRODUCT DETAILS * Rectangular, over-sized shape * Shape #L * Grey lenses * 100% UV protection, category 3 * Flex hinges * Rubber texture * Unisex & universal model * Felt storage pouch included * 100% polycarbonate PRODUCT CARE Wipe clean. Take care.