
Sand Dora Blanket


Product Details

This knitted blanket is a classic jersey knit with a nice border as a detail. The sofness of this one is exquisite! Made out of 100% soft merino wool. Merino doesn't itch and is antibacterial and therefore perfect for kids with eczema or sensitive skin. And because of its thickness, it's suitable for all seasons. Material: 100% supersoft merino wool. Size: 70 x 95cm. Made in Belgium Washing instructions: it's not necessary to wash merino wool frequently. The fibre is self-cleaning. It's perfect to just air outside. Otherwise, wash it very gently by hand with lukewarm water at 30°. Use a wool detergent to wash. Machine wash only on a special wool program 30°, low speed, at your own risk as we cannot guarantee the individual program settings on the washing machines.