House Doctor

Rustic Mug


Product Details

House Doctor Rustic mug is part of the 'Rustic' service series of the Danish brand House Doctor. The name of this service line describes exactly what you get; a rustic service. House Doctor Rustic mug is unique! This service is made by hand and that makes every mug a collector's item. House Doctor Rustic mug has a diameter of 4.8 centimeters at the bottom, 9 centimeters at the top and the mug has a height of 9 centimeters. With these dimensions, House Doctor Rustic plate is ideal for a delicious cappuccino. The Rustic service has a cool blue / gray pastel hue and because of the unique shape and structure you really put something special on the table! Is your mug empty? Then you can just put it in the dishwasher because House Doctor Rustic mug is dishwasher safe. And even if you want to heat up a little, you can put the mug in the microwave in no time. House Doctor Rustic mug is therefore not only beautiful, but also nice and practical.