Groovy Magnets

Marble Magnetic Sticker


Product Details

Round magnet sticker with marble print rosette. This wall sticker is not only very decorative, but also functional. Add a natural touch to your interior: give your wall or door a stylish natural upgrade and provide your sticker with a magnetic wall shelf or pen plant container. Washable, selfadhesive magnetic sticker. Bonding ground for magnets. Suitable for a wall, door, cupboard. Including 4 powerful disc magnets plus star magnet. Premium quality. The material consists of sturdy vinyl with iron particles that make it sticky for magnets. Ideal for hanging drawings, photos and fun messages. With 1 of the supplied disc magnets you can hang 6 A4 sheets of 80gr. Washable with a damp cloth. For optimum adhesion of the sticker: apply on a smooth and well degreased surface. For easier removal: Heat the sticker with a hairdryer. Manual included. Diameter: 60cm.