Crispin Finn

White Russian Cocktail Screen Print


Product Details

One in a series of twelve screen prints depicting some of the most iconic and celebrated cocktails ever created, this print has the signature red white and blue colours associated with the design work of Crispin Finn. A two colour open edition hand pulled screen print on Matrisse 250gsm paper, this White Russian print also includes a brief history and unique design by Crispin Finn of this cult cocktail and features the quote “Hey careful man! There's a beverage here!" – The Dude This print will be shipped flat in protective packaging. Crispin Finn are London based design duo Anna Fidalgo and Roger Kelly. They have worked together since 2008 on a range of illustration, design, screen print, stationery and homeware products both self initiated and client based. Previous clients include Camden Brewery, Vodaphone, Byron Hamburgers and Mr Porter.