
Teak Wood Ladybird Egg Cup


Product Details

The individually shaped eggcup from the popular CHABATREE Ladybird collection is handmade from precious teak wood. The elegant design is reminiscent of a small bird's nest. A practical and very decorative eye-catcher on every breakfast table. Clean with a damp cloth or rinse with warm soapy water. The wood has been naturally refined according to the CHABATREE guidelines, environmentally free of chemicals. Experience the eco-friendly and functional design with the charming products of the CHABATREE brand. The minimalist design and natural materials create visually effective accents in the kitchen. Each piece is handcrafted from fine teak wood and is therefore unique. The precious wood products have a fine individual pattern and bring through the wonderfully natural tone heat in every home. Tree planting, arboriculture and wood treatment are completely free of toxic chemicals and are naturally refined in a natural way. The CHABATREE style is the fusion of the natural beauty of organic forms, complemented by the minimalist style of CHABATREE designers. The collections stand for the passion for nature and beauty, paired with functionality and sustainability. Conscious food, sustainable serving, functional storage and natural cooking. Item number: CU017. Size: 4x4x6.8 cm.