bobbie print

Flock Of Birds Screen Print Mimosa


Product Details

By Bobbie Print Elegant and understated, this large hand printed poster is clearly influenced by an admiration of Scandinavian and mid century modern design. Inspired by birds in flight. This small flock of stylised birds contrasts against a subtly patterned geometric ground. This print is available un-framed but is designed to be used with most standard off the shelf frames. Print Type - Hand screen printed in UK. Measurements - 50cm x 70cm Paper & Ink Type - 300gsm card off-white card / Water based inks. Bobbie Print was created by designer Victoria Oatway with the intention of creating and producing products that reflected Victoria's love of the Scandinavian and mid-century design aesthetic. Whilst modern in feel all Bobbie Print products have a nod to retro styling and strive for a longevity beyond fast paced seasonal trends.