Make International

Medium White Standard Bucket Mug with Green Good Morning Text


Product Details

The original “good morning!” mug in blue is so popular that we have decided to expand the range by introducing the mug in bright green. Wake up each day with this lovely mug by Keith Brymer Jones. The bucket mug, one of the most popular items in Keith Brymer Jones’ Word Range, is made of super white porcelain and holds 350ml of your favourite drink. The words “good morning!” is hand stamped onto the mug in a green retro typewriter font. Inspired by the vintage water bucket he was using in his pottery studio and now fondly named the bucket mug, it is part of the Word Range by master potter Keith Brymer Jones. The range, which has been developing for approximately 30 years, has now over 500 different products ranging from mugs, bowls, plates, serveware and table accessories. Perfect as a gift or a treat for yourself, it comes in all shapes, sizes and words so there is something for everyone. Join the international design conscious crowd and make your beautiful home a little more special with a Keith Brymer Jones mug. Fired to a very high temperature, the mugs are strong but lightweight. Text: good morning! Colour: White. Type: Medium Mug. Designer: Keith Brymer Jones.