Lorena Canals

Bubbly Cotton Basket


Product Details

Lorena Canals 100% braided cotton basket handcrafted in the original color of cotton and finished off by 6 colored tassels. They are perfect for storing toys or books, as well as being a very modern decorative element for the living room, dining room or any room in the house. And, these holidays, they make a nice cover for the foot of the Christmas tree. Natural cotton and non-toxic dyes. It is a handmade product, taking care of every detail. Each piece is unique, so small variations in color and shape may occur. This product meets all quality and safety standards for children. It has ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 and AITEX certificates. It is respectful with the environment. No toxic or polluting dyes are used. Suitable for underfloor heating. Made in India.