
Loula and Deer

Au sujet de Loula and Deer

Loula and Deer est une boutique basée à Brighton qui propose des jouets et des accessoires divins mais pratiques pour les bébés et les tout-petits. Loula and Deer est un endroit pour les nouveaux parents qui veulent des cadeaux uniques de la plus haute qualité pour eux et leurs enfants, qui favorisent la croissance, stimulent l'imagination et se concentrent sur le bien. Bon pour l'environnement et bon pour la famille. Chez Loula and Deer, nous offrons une variété de cadeaux, des couvertures d'emmaillotage les plus douces aux bougies biologiques pour les nouvelles mamans ; du hochet le plus doux à une maison de poupée portable; de l'empilement de blocs d'alphabet aux kaléidoscopes et bien d'autres, tous provenant de fournisseurs indépendants éthiques au Royaume-Uni, en Europe et au-delà.

Founder image

De la part du fondateur

Notre accent est mis sur un design et un attrait intemporels; classique et sans chichis. Au cœur de notre vision se trouve la conviction qu'une enfance stimulée et heureuse assurera un avenir sain à toute la planète.


Loula and Deer is the creation of Lolita Colenso.

While pregnant with her second child and after graduating with BA degree in Technology and Innovation from Sussex University, Lolita got inspired to open a shop that sold things she loved, in a space she loved and to people she would grow to love. Things that were both innovative and fashionable but also timeless and old fashioned. This is where the brand was born, taking inspiration from the Masters research on consumer buying pattern, and having things that are beautiful, but fit in small spaces. Lolita used her experience as a new mother to build her business. The brand grew from her love of small toys, a relationship between interior and play, what’s less is more and based on her interest in timelessness. The quirky name Loula, from Loula and Deer, is in fact the nicknames of her son Louis, who designed the logo for the brand and her daughter Lara, and a Deer which is the favourite toy and a symbol of festivity. Loula and Deer stocks fun, funky, timeless and innovative toys and gifts for you and your children. Lolita attends on average 10 trade shows every season all over Europe, to select the products that will put smile on your face. Loula and Deer aims to support Brighton’s cultural identity as a seaside town full of independent, unique shops that are always a step ahead of the high street shops. So keep popping back! There's always something new and unique for every child! Trusted Site