The Completist

2023 Weekly Planner - Mulberry No. 1


Product Details

This graphic print dated 2023 diary is made by a family run music book maker right here in the U.K., and the inside sheets are made from music sheet paper. The soft cover is a luxurious, textured 250gsm G.F. Smith card and it has 144 pages of 90gsm Munken paper. It has a 2 page spread per week, and a 2 page spread for each month and it's dated for the 2023 calendar year,and it comes with a matching bookmark. The book itself has special binding that means that when you crack the spine (don't worry, it's threadsewn and uses special glue which means you're meant to do this!) it will lay flat on the table (perfect for left-handed people who struggle to use the start of notebooks) and comes packed in a card folio box, custom designed in conjunction with G.F. Smith. The Completist was founded by husband and wife team Marko and Jana, who design their colourful (and sustainable - hurrah!) stationery at their studio in Peckham, London. Size: A5 size planner (14.8cm x 21cm)