
Sharpening Stone #1000


Product Details

Sharpening Stone #1000 This sharpening stone is made by Niwaki, the gardening tool company that specialises in Japanese grade equipment. The stone has a grit level of #1000 this is their mid-coarseness stone and is suitable for regular sharpening work on knives, secateurs, loppers and shears. The stone has both a concave edge and also a straight flat edge. The concave side should be used when working on secateurs and curved blades and the flat side should be used for shears and other straight blades. Soak the stone in water for 5 minutes before use. You can use camellia oil on the tools after you have used the sharpening stone. If you need guidance on using sharpening stones on secateurs there is a very useful video produced by Niwaki. Measurements (box) 14cm x 3.1cm x 2cm