Madam Stoltz

Off White Embroidered Pillow


Product Details

Off white, olive green, rose, sugar almond and black. You are looking for an incomparable eye catcher that is super beautifully processed & by no means off the shelf then you are spot on with the elaborately handcrafted pillow, because each piece is a lovingly made unique item which you can undoubtedly recognize immediately. The colors on the cream-colored pillow are all very earthy and neutral and easy to combine, even though it is guaranteed to attract attention. A little extra for you Since we attach great importance to bulging inlets in our small shop, from now on we will equip all pillows with feather inlets made especially for us so that each piece is high-quality comfortable. Madam Stoltz is a sympathetic family company that is based in the north of Denmark on the idyllic island of Bornholm and with the very personal and incomparable style of the founder Pernille Stoltz has established its permanent place in the interior world.