• Valorado con 4.6 en Reviews.io

Sobre Artefactum
Artefactum Interiorismo Sevilla has 120m2 dedicated to the world of design and interior design. It is a dynamic and open space where we give life to your projects in a pleasant and personal fashion. In our showroom, you can find quality materials and finishes on all our pieces. Artefactum hosts a selection of the best national and international design where only objects and pieces that fit our style have a place. From renovated classics to contemporary design, the best vintage or retro pieces. We invite you to immerse yourself in our space, where only the most expert of eyes can find what they are looking for. If you like design, appreciate furniture, enjoy your home and making your day better, come visit us!
Revistero Story Landscape Negro
Rama de baya en flor
HK Living
Difusor de tonos vivos
House Doctor
Mesa auxiliar de gres Terra
Florero, RD, Verde
House Doctor
Portavelas, embudo, azul / verde
Jarra, Vidrio, Claro
Pizza de tabla de cortar
Nicolas Vahé