Vaxbo Lin

Brown Blue Unbleached Border Linen Tea Towel


Product Details

The Swedish Disktrasa dishcloths are made from 100% pure organic linen. Linen has the property of absorbing moisture better and drying faster than all other natural fibers, is sustainable and robust. The colorful Växbo tea towels have a practical hanger and are Bio certified by Bra Miljoval a Swedish environmental label for renewable energy, the criteria of which are set by the Swedish Nature Conservation Association. The wipes are woven with a technique that makes them porous and supple and are sewn on all sides. Växbo Lin produces exclusively linen products with its 13 employees. Since 1990 there is the company from Växbo. The textile artist Ingela Berntsson creates collections where one feels that design and quality have their origins in peasant culture. The products are rustic, simple and yet chic and exclusive due to the special color and pattern choice. If the dishcloth has done its job someday, you can easily retrieve it on the compost.