


Product Details

The cutest little piece of tableware you ever did see. These saucers, ramekins, or tiny trays are made from biscuit porcelain: an unglazed, white bone china with a matte appearance and sublime chalky texture. Biscuit porcelain was widely used in European and Chinese pottery for sculptural and decorative objects, most notably at Sèvres in the late 1700s. We made these cups to be dishwasher safe: They are baked twice at around 1400 °C which makes the material extremely dense, so nothing can attack the surface. Coffee, tea and wine do not stain, making this rare and refined texture available for daily use. Acids like vinegar help to clean the surface when necessary. They are also ideal around the kitchen, as a paperclip holder on your desk, or for bits and pieces in the bathroom. Oven, dishwasher and microwave safe. Plastic-free package, contains 2 cups. Dimensions: Capacity 50 ml Diameter 7.5 cm Height 1.5 cm Material: Biscuit porcelain Made in China.