Atlantic Blankets

Morse Code Recycled Cotton Blanket Super King


Product Details

100% recycled Morse Code cotton blanket is a year-round essential, as perfect for indulgent evenings at home curling up in front of the fire as hazy hours on the beach absent-mindedly tracing patterns in the sand. Whispering of salt-kissed hours between land and sea, its intriguing dot and dash pattern secretly reads “you, me and the sea”; the most romantic of winks towards dreamy days and cherished memories ready for repeat. Dimensions: 160 x 250cm - Super King great for all the family & king, super king or queen beds Also available in Single (160x 110cm) and Double (160 x 200cm) sizes. To browse our full collection from Atlantic Blankets, click here Supersoft Made in England Designed in Cornwall 75% Recycled cotton, 25% other fibres (viscose and acrylic from recycled t-shirts) We recommend hand or machine washing at 30ºC on a gentle cycle. Line dry, away from direct sunlight. Use a tumble dryer to help fluff the fabric back up.